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Did you know that Camargue ponies can be round wild in France. Also Carmargue ponies are only ever grey.


Colour: grey

Height: Up to 15.hh

Originated from: France

The white horses. Did you know that the foals are born black,dark grey or even bay and then change to white when they get older, as if by magic! By the time that they're grown up they will be grey horses or white horses.


Carmargue poies are famous for their high-stepping walk, the gracefullness movement of their gallop, and the exciting ability of being able to twist and turn freely, aswell as look behind them!

In some places in the world carmargue ponies are thought of as 'the white horses of the sea'

Carmargues are often round wild near places by the sea, therefor a carmargue ponies main diet is tough grass and seawater.

Carmargue horses are the native wild horses to France.


Wild ponies